The authorized capital of the company is 200,000,000 (two hundred million) sums. It is divided into 40,000 (forty thousand) ordinary shares with a nominal value of 5,000 (five thousand) sums each. The company did not issue preferred shares.
Additional shares are placed by the Company only within the number of announced shares specified in the charter.
The amount of announced shares that the company can issue in addition to the shares placed in order to increase the authorized capital consists of 2,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of 5,000 sums.
The total value, number, type, nominal value, procedure, method, period of placement of additional shares to be placed in the decision to increase by placement of additional shares, price of placement (release of shares on the stock exchange and organized over-the-counter market), order of payment for shares, finding that it has not been implemented share, and the procedure for returning the means of payment accepted for the shares in case of non-fulfillment is determined.
Additional issued shares will be placed at market value, but not less than the nominal value.
When deciding on placement of shares, including among shareholders, the price of placement of shares (release to the stock exchange market and the organized over-the-counter market) is determined based on the price situation on the trading platforms of the stock trading organizers. In case of payment for additional shares of the company at the expense of its own capital (added capital and retained earnings), as well as at the expense of dividends decided to be paid with additional shares, placement of such shares is carried out at the nominal value of the shares.
No shares were purchased by the company.